Does Your Website Content Answer Burning Questions?


website-questions-to-answerWhy do you think that a homeowner comes to you website? Do they come to your website for the same reasons why they use Pinterest, Zappos or Amazon?

If you answered “No” you are on the right track. But why do they come to your website? What are they looking for?

When a consumer spends time on Pinterest, Zappos or Amazon, they may be killing time. They may be browsing (or as we say in the brick-and-mortar stores, “Just looking, thanks.”), or they are searching for a specific item to solve a problem. In fact, just the other day I was on Amazon seeking out a tool to turn my ripening tomatoes into tomato sauce. I found my solution in the Norpro Sauce Master, but when I started my search, I didn’t know what I was looking for until I saw it.

However, this is much different to how (most) consumers seek out a contractor online. They usually have a specific project in mind before they even start their search.

Builders, remodelers and trade contractors actually have a huge advantage when it comes to writing website content.

Why? Because when a consumer lands on their website, they usually know what they are looking for. They already have a project in mind. They are looking for someone to build their home, add an addition, remodel a bathroom, replace their weathered roof or paint the exterior of their historical home. So the first question they need answered by your website is, “Am I in the right spot?”

This is the question you need to answer the moment the consumer lands on your website. They need to figure out in just a few seconds that yes, you can build their home, add that addition or specialize in exterior painting. You do this by putting yourself in your customers’ shoes and answering the questions they have at the top of their mind first – and then drawing them into your website more with specific project details.

For example, when writing this exterior contractor website, I made sure the home page content answers burning questions that most homeowner have when they are shopping for these services:


When the homeowner lands on this homepage, they immediate think, “Okay, I am in the right spot” and depending on what services they are seeking, they’ll go deeper into the website to learn more about what solutions this contractor provides.

Take a look at your home page. Does it answer the three or four burning questions your customers have?

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