9 Elements of a Good Blog Writer


9-elements-blog-writerToday, I’ll continue with more tips for selecting a great freelance blog writer. As I stated in that previously published article, there is much more to writing a blog article than churning out content.

Here are some things a good blog writer will do with every article written for you:

  1. Makes sure 1-2 keywords/keyphrases are used in a natural way throughout the article. Furthermore, she takes special care in making sure your primary keyword/phrase is used:

    1. In the title

    2. In headlines

    3. As alt-tags in photos

  2. When it comes to SEO, she understands the value of “H2” headlines and alt-tags.

  3. Inserts or recommends “alt-tags” for any photos being used in the blog article.

  4. Offers a call to action for each article.

  5. Showcases your personality within the article. In other words, the article is not canned. It sounds like you wrote it, not her, and offers insight into your company, your life or something happening locally to make a greater connection with your readers.

  6. Hyperlinks that include real words, not just “click here.” A good example of this is how I started out this article.

  7. Over time, she becomes a content curator for your site – often referring readers to other articles and sections of your site with the thoughtful use of hyperlinks.

  8. Suggests other ways to use the content.

  9. Becomes your virtual content marketing “department” by being considerate of your marketing goals and working side-by-side with you to develop an online strategy that works.

Tell me, what is the value to your business of that care and detail? Is it worth more than $50 per article? How much would you pay to have a marketing person with this depth of online marketing knowledge and skill working for you?

Good Blog Writers Accelerate Your Business Online

Sure, you can find a cheap writer who is willing to churn out blog articles on your behalf, but if you are looking for someone to truly manage and accelerate your online presence, it is going to take more than $50 an article to get it done right. If you have the time, knowledge and skill to do it, perfect! There are many contractors who do – and can – writer blog articles consistently week after week.

But if you need a bit more help writing your blog articles, consider what you are getting the next time you scoop up a blog writer willing to work real cheap. Sometimes you find a real gem in the rough, but more often than not, you get exactly what you pay for.

If you are looking for a good blog writer who knows the construction industry, offers fresh, original content and is willing to work side-by-side with you to grow your business online, let’s talk.


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