5 Quick and Painless Ways to Promote Your Construction Website

A 3D illustration of a browser window with a hammer and wrench crossed in front, symbolizing website maintenance.

Note from Tess: I am beyond thrilled to welcome back a favorite guest to this blog, Darren Slaughter! Darren is a construction marketing consultant who works with contractors large and small to sell more, advertise better, and market to buyers. He has been featured several times as a marketing expert on daily5Remodel.com and is also a contributing writer on BeThePro.com. Thanks for stopping by, Darren!

In the spirit of not every post has to be 500 words long, I am going to make this one short and sweet. Here are 5 quick tips to promote your website.

1. Make sure to incorporate your website in your overall marketing and advertising plan.

2. Promote your site with the use of news releases, newspapers and magazines. A good time to do this is when you introduce a new product or service.

3. Write – That’s right, getting informative articles out there will help with your site’s overall ranking as well as position you as an expert in your field.

4. Put your web address on all of your correspondence. Business cards, flyers, newsletters, brochures, trucks, invoices, stationary. Everywhere your company goes so should your web address.

5. When selecting a domain name, using your industry and area can help position you in the marketplace.

And here is a bonus. When purchasing your domain name, spring for AT LEAST 2 years. Google (who you want as much love from in the way of free traffic) likes it when the site they are sending people to isn’t in danger of going away any time soon.

About Darren

My story is pretty simple, I write a marketing blog for contractors that is a plain-English, pull-no-punches tale of what I see working for the clients I work with everyday. What I talk about isn’t theory out of some book, I am living it. I’m in the trenches getting my hands dirty just like you! The topics I tend to talk about are print and online advertising, website design, social media marketing and sales tips and strategies that I hope will help grow your business. If you want to read more, you can check out my blog at http://DarrenSlaughter.com.

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