How do you come up with good content ideas for your blog and your newsletter?
I’ve found that no matter what industry you are in, this can be a real struggle.
But here’s the thing (and I know you already know this), good content ideas are everywhere. They are in the conversations you have with prospective customers. They are in the countless emails you send to customers and subs, and they are most definitely in the projects you build (aka project stories = my favorite type of content!).
To successfully conquer the “What do I write about?” struggle, it comes down to three components: awareness, organization and dedication.
AWARENESS for good content ideas
The first step to conquering the “what to write about” dilemma is to become more aware of the topics that frequently come up in conversation. People ask you about trends, flooring chooses, tile, your process for x, the difference between y and z … and so much more. They want to pick your brain, right? Probably 75% of those can be turned into content.
ORGANIZE your good content ideas
All of your ideas need to be organized in one spot – to create a “Content Warehouse.” I use a Google Doc and Google Sheet combo, but there are apps on your phone, organizational tools, your CRM and even the old fashion paper method. No matter the method, the key is to find one spot where you store all of your content ideas. That way, when it comes time to create content, you already have a warehouse of ideas at the ready – saving you time and eliminating procrastination. I think you’ll find that over time, you’ll actually collect more ideas than you’ll ever write about.
TIP: Focus your blog ideas on the business you want to attract. For example, you are a remodeler that can handle many different types of jobs, but your sweet-spot-projects are kitchens and bathrooms. Focus on those topics – leaving the outdoor living and basement remodels to the other guys to promote.
DEDICATION to good content ideas
For the record, this is where most of us struggle the most … “finding the time” to create content. You are smart so I’m just going to reinforce what you already know: schedule the time. Sometimes it’s one hour; sometimes it is a bigger chunk of time.
But if you have the first two, awareness and organization, already implemented, it makes the time that you do have set aside much more productive. And if you cannot find the time, hire a professional copywriter.
content ideas to Consider:
Here are a few content ideas to get you started …
- How much does it cost to _____ ?
Most homeowners have no clue how much projects cost. When you develop content around this topic, you’ll not only educate consumers on the REAL cost of projects but when the content is posted on your website, you’ll see something magical – consumers self-qualifying themselves. They will quickly discover that you are a contractor they can afford … or not.
- Are [energy efficient windows] really worth it?
Address the skeptics by talking about what high-efficiency options are worth the investment, versus those that aren’t. Just like the idea above, you are helping educate the consumer. NOTE: you can substitute “energy efficient windows” with any products your customers question you about.
Check out this Instagram post by Hochuli Design & Remodeling (located in Tempe, AZ). This is an excellent example of taking complaints they hear and turning it into an educational post. Kudos Scott and Lorrie!
- What are the benefits to _____?
With so many new products on the market, consumers have a lot of questions. Take a product and dissect it for your audience.
Need help with brainstorming content ideas specific to your business? Contact me and request a brainstorming session.
52 Content Ideas for Contractors

Struggling to come up with good content ideas?
These are my best content ideas to help residential contractors create amazing blog content.
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